United States Air Force.
Contract Title: CACI-AFEMS
Contract #: FContract Title: RMS Sustainment
Contract #: FA 8770-06-A-0003 – (Ingenium ING-06-0003-013)
Award Whole $ Value: 963,997.45 base year (Total value not currently available) Approximately 5.5 Million
Period of Performance: 07/05/07 – 07/04/10 (Many years prior support under previous contracts)
Buying Agency: Air Force
Prime/Sub: Ingenium
Prime Contact: : No longer available / Air Force contact: Larry Hill USAF AFMC 754th ELSG/ILSR 937-904-0674, Sheree Etter, 937-257-8144, Sheree.etter@wpafb.af.mil
Requirements Managements Systems (RMS)
EXCEL provides Software Maintenance, Systems Sustainment and Systems Surveillance to the Requirements Management System (RMS). The RMS is complex and specialized bearing directly on critical wartime aircraft readiness and sustainability, requiring no degradation or disruption of operations, without impacts to the Global War on Terrorism and the United States National Defense. RMS encompasses the automated and manual functions involved in the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) materiel requirements process. This process forecasts and controls procurement and repair requirements of materiel needed for logistics support of weapon systems operated by the Air Force. RMS subsystems include:
a. Secondary Item Requirement System
b. Aircraft Availability Model
c. Central Secondary Item Stratification
d. Weapon Systems Data Exchange
e. Web Item Re-computation
EXCEL supports the lifecycle development of the enhancements and changes to RMS which include: modeling the information contents of the data; database administration, data extraction and reporting; hosting of the en-tier web-base legacy system; understanding the data migration requirements to ECSS.
EXCEL Specific RMS Sustainment Support:
System Test: Responsible for organizing the System Test department for testing requirements that come from the AF via Detailed Technical Analysis (DTAs) and Discrepancy Report (DRs) vehicles. This includes all of the above mentioned subsystems in various software environments which encompass IBM mainframe processing as well as PC testing in the Microsoft environment. This requires knowledge of the requirement change(s) and how it affects each system. It involves researching time estimations required to complete testing each DR, what Test Plan (PT) changes/additions (known as redlining) are needed, the appropriate testing strategy for each DR, and what data will be needed to complete the testing. Redlining involves writing updates to Detailed Test Requirements (DTRs) in the (PT) along with any updates to data queries, SAS jobs, JCL procedures, overrides in job libraries and other test related programs. This could also require writing new DTRs and data queries.
Executing cycle runs in the RMST/TEST mainframe regions and/or software applications on the PC to verify or dispute the changes made by the Development staff. If defects are found in the software, reject the requirement vehicle (DR) back to Development staff for further analysis, coding and unit testing. Testing can be on program changes, screen changes, JCL changes or procedure changes, etc.
Running Extracts/Backups and Restores/Loads jobs on the mainframe for RMST/TEST regions to ensure data integrity for testing purposes. Populate briefing charts, System Test Reports, System Test Checklists and assemble documentation known as DR packages with all hardcopy test results annotated for the customer according to AF guidelines for their approval/disapproval that the software changes meet the DR requirements. Maintain spreadsheets for DR and DTR statistics and documentation. Attend weekly staff meetings, Technical Interchange Meetings (TIMs), and peer reviews. Responsible for training new System Test personnel.A8770-11-C-0018 Subcontract S11-118765
Award Whole $ Value: 2,476,877.09
Period of Performance: 10/19/2007through 06-07-2013
Buying Agency: USAF ESC/HGGG
Prime/Sub: CACI 14370 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
Prime Contact: David Linnenkohl Director Applied Technology Division, Ph: 937-429-8304; 937-414-6138, dlinnenkohl@caci.com; 2850 Presidential Dr. Suite 300; Fairborn, OH 45324 www.caci.com
Scope of Work:
ESC/HGGG requires functional and technical Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), for the Air Force Equipment Management System (AFEMS) and the Stock Control System (SCS), and also the Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS) as it relates to these two systems. The SMEs are individuals with a specific level of expertise in certain key system areas or disciplines and are knowledgeable about the domain being represented. This professional provides unique and/or in-depth functional and technical knowledge on the application and system operations. The general scope of the SMEs responsibilities include:
Translating user requirements into system specifications, data management plans, configuration management plans, life cycle management documentation, integrated logistics support plans and related operational summaries.
Gathering information from users, defining work problems, and designing a system and procedures to resolve problems.
Assisting in the design, development, and analysis, test and maintenance of logical and physical databases in order to meet functional requirements.
Writing specification manuals and user documentation for client or user personnel.
Managing functional, process, and data modeling in support of the planning and analysis efforts.
Examining and analyzing current and projected operations for developing, defining, and coordinating user requirements which will satisfy the total program need.
Reviewing data design, proposed system revisions, and test results to ensure functional requirements are met to include batch processes.