Information Technology
Solutions for the EPA.
Contract Title: Information Technology Solutions for the EPA (ITS EPA)
Contract #: ITS-EPA-EMSI-02-0006 S-1000219
Award Whole $ Value: Approximately 70 Million (Final)
Period of Performance: 9/2002 – 11/2011
Buying Agency: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Prime/Sub: CSC 15000 Conference Center Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
Prime Contact: Peggy Howell Principal Contract Admin ITIS Division p: 703.818.4366 | f: 703-818-4516; 15000
EXCEL’s Wide Area Network Telecommunications group includes the Network Control Facility (NCF) and Telecommunication Service Request (TSR) functions. Both are instrumental in implementing and supporting network related services for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This includes various functions associated with project planning, cost analysis, and project management.
The NCF group is responsible for operating and maintaining the EPA’s Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local Area Network (LAN). NCF provides on-site and 7 X 24 on-call level 2 support using a suite of network management tools including HP Open View. The TSR group is responsible for receiving, tracking, and managing customer requests for network related services. This includes conducting analysis of telecommunication systems in order to implement new network services and documenting results utilizing the EPA Telecommunications Service Request (TSR) System.
EXCEL has experienced great success integrating and maintaining document management software for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We support the Superfund Records Centers and Superfund Financial Management Centers with applications such as the Superfund Cost Recovery Package Imaging and On-line System (SCORPIOS), Superfund Document Management System (SDMS); Web Interface to SDMS (WI-SDMS), and the Multimedia Enforcement Document Imaging System (MEDIS). Support for EPA Enterprise Operations includes 10 EPA Regional Offices, 3 EPA laboratory locations, EPA Headquarters and the National Technology Services Division (NTSD). EXCEL provides ongoing support for these legacy systems while the Agency migrates to the Enterprise Records and Document Management System (ERDMS).
EXCEL provides Database Technical Consulting for the National Technology Services Division (NTSD) of the EPA. On the Enterprise Server (mainframe), the EXCEL DBSS Team provides similar Database Administrator (DBA) services to both Adabas databases, metadata under the z/OS operating system, and to Oracle under Linux. The EXCEL team supports Adabas databases and metadata for several of the Agency’s primary financial systems and several applications for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA). The EXCEL DBA team provides services for DB2 databases on the Enterprise Server and to the Oracle Transparent and Procedural Gateways.
The EXCEL DBSS Team supports well over 100 applications for the EPA on most of the agencies platforms. The staff assists application owners and development contractors in the choice of software (to comply with EPA-NTSD standards) and the design and development of applications. Technical consultants review database designs on behalf of NTSD and recommend acceptance or rejection. They implement accepted designs and code in the development, quality assurance, and production environments. They assist in security design and set up each application’s security structure.
In addition the team provides DBA support to Oracle databases and applications on Windows NT platforms located in EPA regional offices and administrative centers. Services include DBMS installation, monitoring, and assistance with application performance analysis and problem resolution.
The EXCEL Team provides Web Development (WebDev) Services including maintenance of HTML, XML, Domino, and ColdFusion applications for both EPA Public Access and Intranet web sites. The WebDev group provides graphics and multimedia (e.g., Macromedia Flash) products and also develops Perl, CGI, and UNIX shell scripts for web-based applications or for routine maintenance activities. Additionally, the WebDev group conducts work related to the Verity Search engine, including search topics development and maintenance, analysis of EPA web template compliance, spidering the EPA web site for orphan files, and work related to the WebMan web site management application.
The EXCEL Client Communications and Support Team provide administration and support for the Office of Technology Operations and Planning’s (OTOP) Intranet Web Site. Support includes application development utilizing ColdFusion, Domino, and HTML technologies. The team also supports the Push Technology and the Information Technology (IT) Leadership Database that reside on the web. The team provides administration and support for EPA’s Account Registration System (TSSMS), Second Level Support for the Enterprise Server (Mainframe), Remote Access, and Application Support. The team hosts, at a minimum, two conferences per year including the planning, preparation, and execution phases. The team performs certification training to EPA Employees that have been identified to become EPA RACF Security Administrators (RSAs). The team also provides Enterprise Change Management (ECM) administration and hosts weekly review meetings for contractor and EPA personnel.