United States Air Forces.
Contract Title: SME Support for the ESC/HGGG and ESC/HGGB program
Contract #: FA8770-11-C-0022 SME 11-R0022-002 Contract# 7500093076
Award Whole $ Value: $ 2,899,806
Period of Performance: 07/08/2011 through 06/07/2013 (Many prior contract with various partners since 1996) Total value over 10 Million.
Buying Agency: USAF
Prime/Sub: Northrop Grumman Defense Systems Division 100 Brickstone Square, Suite 102, Andover, MA 01810
Prime Contact: :Bryan Thurston Northrop Grumman Information Systems/Defense, 2555 University Blvd. Fairborn, Ohio 45324-6501, Office: (937) 431-6043;fax: (937) 426-8888; Mobile: (937) 371-8788, Debbie Tankersleydebbie.tankersley@ngc.com
Full Project Description: US Air Force Technical, Subject Matter Expert and Functional Program Management Advisory & assistance Services Support for Stock Control System.
Project Description:
EXCEL is providing technical, functional, engineering, and program management support services to the Material Systems Group Stock Control System (SCS) Program Management Office AFMC AFLCMC / HIAR. These systems provide procurement control, asset management, inventory control, maintenance and repair, and distribution and transportation functions to the U.S. Air Force and U.S Marine Corps logistics processes.
EXCEL supports the SCS D035 Legacy Logistics Systems, which include: Item Manager Wholesale Requisitioning Program (IMWRP) D035A system; Wholesale and Retail Receiving/Shipping (WARRS) D035K system; Inventory and Storage (INSTOR) D035L system; Financial Inventory Accounting & Billing System (FIABS) D035J. Disciplines involved are Engineering and Design Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Data Analysis, Systems Operations, User Acceptance Testing, Systems Integration and Validation Testing, Capability Maturity Model Support, Business Case Analysis, Business Management /Program Management Support, and Data Management Support, Configuration Management, Change Management, and Documentation Management. We provide functional and technical expertise to the U.S. Air Force Material Command, U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Command, Air Logistics Centers (ALCs), Inventory Control Points, Maintenance and Repair Facilities, Storage Depots, and various users worldwide. Scope of work often involves support to interfacing systems and agencies, including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), and other Depart of Defense (DoD) agencies.
Systems Engineering And Analysis: EXCEL’s duties include review and analysis of Discrepancy Reports (DRs) and Change Systems Requirements Documents (CSRDs), identify and document program, process, or data deficiencies; review and validate technical, functional and engineering designs of proposed solutions and mitigations; provide analysis and coordination of requirements development between the Program Management Office and software maintenance contractor, and ensure new requirements adhere to existing guidelines and database designs.
Capability Maturity Model Support: EXCEL provides support to SCS and IMCS in tracking and maintaining Capability Maturity Model certification.
System Maintenance: EXCEL provides SCS with analysis of the technical and functional performance of the Air Force Asset Management Systems. We also provide analysis and coordination of activities in scheduling, delivering, and implementing system changes and enhancements.
Data Quality Analysis: EXCEL provides SCS with analysis and development of internal and external interface control documents (ICD), review data flow diagrams, program specifications (PSPECS), and module specifications (MSPECS); and provides analysis relating to the data integrity between the AFMC Corporate Data Repository System (CDRS) and the assigned data system ICDs.
Business Case Analysis: EXCEL conducts business case analyses as required, to ensure integrity and continuity among the cost/schedule estimates, budget estimates, and functional requirements in support of all business-planning efforts.
Business Management/Program Management Support: EXCEL contributes to the full range of business planning and program management activities for SCS and IMCS, including requirements development, project scheduling, planning, delivery and implementation.
Management Data Support: EXCEL provides SCS with system data extracts for the Program Management Office and others, to assist in requirements analysis, data validation and correction, or report generation. EXCEL provides IMCS with metrics reporting, financial and budgetary data extraction, data validation, and data reporting. Excel provides SCS and IMCS with configuration and documentation management for all products and deliverables from the software maintenance contractors.
Security: EXCEL shall not divulge any information about Client Organization’s files, contract management activities, and processes, or any other sensitive information to anyone who is not authorized to have access to such information.
This project has been an on-going effort under several separate contracts since December 1996. Successful performance is validated by the renewal of the task each year, signifying customer satisfaction.